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New Post
10/18/2021 10:45 AM

... and under review as of yesterday. Keep you posted. 

New Post
10/18/2021 6:29 PM

*fangirl squeal*

New Post
10/19/2021 10:40 AM

Great to hear! Had they passed that back to you for changes?

New Post
10/26/2021 8:09 PM

Hi again. I wanted to head off a possible rumor. Is it true that Core RPG just changed its coding again? Someone on  Discord said this might be the case and I wanted to find out if it effects (delays) the release of the Star Trek Rules Set. I'm hoping the person in question is referring to the changes that you needed to correct for from months agom. This didn't happen again did it?

New Post
10/28/2021 7:30 AM

Sorry, Any Updates at all?😬

HomeHomeFantasy GroundsFantasy GroundsStar Trek AdventuresStar Trek AdventuresSTA-DiscussionSTA-Discussionv1.0.070621 Pushed to Smiteworks!v1.0.070621 Pushed to Smiteworks!

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