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4/11/2022 3:39 PM

Jonbens wrote:

Been a bit since there was any official update. Last I heard was last month and an Issue with the Conan System had jumped in the way. They were going back to some rework of STA once that was handled. What's you take on it Sansd20?

Honestly, I havn't been holding my breath. I've been toying around with going with Foundry. While they might not have offical STA support, at least they have something workable there. 

New Post
4/11/2022 6:35 PM

Unfortunately I've been doing the same. I'm not looking forward to having to learn a new platform though. 

New Post
4/25/2022 8:11 PM

So, before I give up on this completely and go over to another VTT is there any chance of an update, or some sort of statement from the Developer about the state of the Star Trek Adventures Game Set? 

New Post
4/25/2022 8:12 PM

So, before I give up on this completely and go over to another VTT is there any chance of an update, or some sort of statement from the Developer about the state of the Star Trek Adventures Game Set? 

New Post
7/7/2022 10:47 PM

I have a feeling that this is going to be a long shot, but is there any news on this?

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